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Old 12-03-2012, 01:23 AM
awakeningheart awakeningheart is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409
When I first met my SC (not my TF, my H) he did not like my 'intensity'. So I backed off. I suppressed the feelings of intensity, the emotion that was trying to get out. I pretended like everything was 'okay' just to appease him. He couldn't handle it..he didn't want to 'deal' with intensity as I think he was scared of both of us being overwhelmed.

Reconnecting with my TF so many years later, I know see that suppressing that emotional intensity was wrong. It needs to come out and if it doesn't, there can be long-term damage. My tf encourages me to let it out, he loves that about me. It is what our relationship is all about. And I'm so grateful to him for showing me that it's okay to be intense and emotional.
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