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Old 20-07-2011, 06:54 PM
Posts: n/a
agree with you.

There are just some things that are quite do i put it...Unlikely.

For example i talked with some person a while ago.
I mentioned that there may be life on mars in form of bacterias or other micro Organisms. He agreed with me and went on...

That the NWO goverment Send people to mars to sign a treaty with the "aliens" to enslave us. He then went on and on and when i objected to it. I got the same response as u got.

I know spirituality is no science it doesnt demand proof but COME ON! I mean this is usually how a good idea gets perverted or dragged into obscurity over time.

But how to fix it?

If we demand proof then what happens then? We should all actually study Astrophysics, Genetics, Neuroscience and mathematics? It is certainly very nice to know this things and they can open eyes to dimensions never conceived before but still. (Good) Science is self Correcting, but it also is without emotions.

We can study emotions and learn that they are mere chemical responses to a certain situation. Then again this restricts us to the things we know. Religion aswell as spirituality has one great advantage.

It doesnt have to be correct, its vague. Its good its vague because we can explain in this way so much more things in a very short and compressed (brain friendly) Form.

The bible for example, if u take it for real in todays age and time then people wont take you very serious (also chances are you become president of the richest country in the world and history of mankind and drive this country into Bankruptcy ^_^ )
If you use the bible as a guide for things you dont know so well (for example morals, or emotional distress) then it can be MUCH more helpful then any neurology book explaining how the brain creates a depression and why.

Its similar with spirituality the burden of proof is not necessary. It helps people, they can talk freely their perceived reality its liberating.

An old phrase says "never change a running system" this doesnt apply to the Computer world anymore but it does apply to spirituality. We dont need to fix something that isnt broken. Most people want to feel in touch with something we just cannot explain yet. Proving something that isnt there is hard...VERY VERY hard. Take dark matter as an example, you cant see it or touch it but it interacts with the matter around it. This idea still gets alot of scepticism from the scientific world.

We may or may not explain all what we are, we may be able to finally prove if there is a god/devil/[insert your Deity here] or not but aslong we cant explain it we have to A: ignore it (never solved anything) or B: Go with our Guts.

I mean i belief in things i should not believe in (as a modern scientific human), i experienced things that are 100% explainable and dont have any supernatural causes. So i guess if u

But still i am here (on spiritualforums^^) and i go with my guts and those gutsy guts have given me quite the insight.
Still i think that a certain "DUH" and scepticism is always good.

So ur question i am afraid leads to a devils circle. People WILL get burned over and over again. The only way to stop it is to stop believing. Which doesnt really end well too often. There will be new fads and maybe in 1000 years a core doctrine of Buttism (powered by "4 Loko") (formaly known as Buddhism) will be Pot smoking.

PS OH my gawd im WAY off topic
PSS it could also be that l im an idiot who is self contradicting herself to fit her ideas into her Dillusioned reality.
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