Thread: Hi!
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Old 13-07-2020, 12:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Philiplsn27
Hi all!

My name is Philip and am 22 years old. I am relatively new to spirituality and am currently undergoing my own spiritual awakening. At the moment I am incredibly apathetic and am having a hard time seeing through this. I am quite lost in my life. I have no job, no true direction in life, and need a sort of guidance for where I want to go in life. Very few things appeal to me and am currently caught in between going back to school (and feeling trapped) and going out to a spiritual place in order to have guidance and a feeling of connectedness. I crave a community of likeminded people. People who understand how deeply connected we all are and people that I can speak my mind freely to (I have pretty bad trust issues from the past and a lack of trust and confidence in myself at the moment). Hopefully I can find that here and if anyone is willing to provide advice that would be greatly appreciated. For most of my life I’ve been lonely and never really felt truly connected to anyone and that is what I crave most at this time. People who understand me and can relate. I hope that this message is appropriate and that I didn’t go to deep here but I needed to speak some of my truth and just saying it is freeing in itself.

Thank you all!

You're going through an awakening! nice I'm excited for you. Hope you find what you're looking for. Great introduction not too deep at all. Makes it easier to notice synchronicities or resonance which there are. Come join in. Dive into this place that is "spiritual forums"
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