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Old 09-11-2017, 09:17 PM
blossomingtree blossomingtree is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 937
Originally Posted by Moondance
The fact of the numerous opening threads and comments posted here is evidence of an attempt to elicit some kind of shift in understanding.

It is a path of sorts, a technique, an invitation. It says ‘look, there’s no need for a path or technique since oneness is already the case’. Not realising that the very proclamation of this serves no other purpose than to provoke a new understanding. Its objective is, in effect, no different to self inquiry - it’s a way of looking anew in order to precipitate a shift in perception.

It's specious and shallow at best. Not an inquiry.

Your enso represents that, as do many of the masters ("seek and ye shall find", "Who am I?" "What is Truth?" "what is consciousness" "Where is the real Guru" "Heart Sutra" "The whole world is my self" "finger pointing to the moon" "what you seek is what is seeking")

Furthermore, as I stated elsewhere, these types of posts "there is nothing to do" "you have already arrived" "trust me I know best" seek to posit themselves as superior to the thousands of years of proven traditions. I have no issue against breaking the mold, I don't however have faith in people who posit useless and specious shortcuts that undermine a genuine path of faith and spiritual practice.

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