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Old 15-07-2021, 04:22 PM
GlitterRose GlitterRose is offline
Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 375
Originally Posted by Trick
the entity/being materialized out of the wall(always same wall in my room) at night. It was very tall reaching almost to the cealing, the thing was pitch-black so i could see the outline clear of it despite my room was dark.

Being able to go through walls, very tall, blacker than the room around it...these are typical and match with my own experiences. (I did not see any with hats, though).

Also, they move inhumanly fast, making vibrational sounds when they do.

They generally have no discernible facial features.

They like electronics, and might be using them as energy sources, somehow.

Sometimes, people have reported seeing some sort of portal they seem to be using.
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