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Old 07-01-2018, 09:48 PM
broskif broskif is offline
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Posts: 3
Where my spirit guides (or any entity/higher power) answering my questions?

Recently I've been going through an awakening and as a result my life plan has changed. I'm currently in my second year of university but the whole university experience has been less than desirable and now more than ever I'm feeling as though this isn't the path for me. A few days ago i was very confused as to whether i should quit university and pursue something else (no idea what that is, just not what I'm currently doing).

I spoke out loud, not really sure who i was addressing but any spirit guides/any higher power/entity that was looking out for me to help me in my decision to if I should quit what I'm currently doing and do something completely different or persevere and continue what I'm doing even though it really makes me unhappy.

There were a few times where I thought I'd stumbled across a video that was speaking to me/a book passage that was addressing me/ lots of number synchronicities that i thought were a message but i was always unsure whether to take that as a sign or dismiss it as coincidence, so i asked any higher power AGAIN to pleeease help me in my decision, i even wrote in my diary which i only write in when i need to think something through and get it off my cheat and that EXACT same day a YouTuber (Ralph Smart "Infinite Waters" who i highly resonate with (we have the same starsign and birthday and i learn a lot from him so i really connect with him) posted a video called "dear quitters and failures" which he basically said, if you're thinking of giving up or quitting something and people are telling you not to, do it - because something better is coming along for you. This really spoke to me, you can't deny the astonishing coincidence. I'm wondering if any of you think this really is a sign and that something heard my pleas and questioning and answered me, or if I'm reading too deeply into it. I really need to make my decision because this is really stressing me out

Thank you to anyone who replies! Love and peace
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