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Old 01-11-2017, 07:35 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by weareunity
Hello all.
If "all is one" is a reality generated by logic, then logic also generates the conclusion that this is not a reality which can be experienced as an objective reality--since to do so requires the observer to be separate from the observed(?)
So the logic of the statement also means that the reality of the statement cannot be experienced by separation but can be experienced upon inclusion.
Suggestion that inclusion IS the experience.

Bit like the difference between knowing all there is to know about a rail network and actually riding the rails.

Logic does not seem to be the basis of the idea "All is One". In fact the idea flies in the face of our actual experience of things as very convincingly separate. A sort of madness really, probably made up by someone who was fed up with practise and wanted an easy way out:)
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