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Old 07-12-2016, 10:32 AM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
If you had been born 100 years ago you might have said the same thing about contemplating these times. It's all relative to what you experience...and what "world" or time you're living in.

That being said, time as we know it exists only in this physical plane. Time doesn't exist, at most not in the same way in that place of pure consciousness we go to when our physical bodies wear out. So, I'd say it could be possible you could be incarnated into any time.

Adding to that, I have a feeling deep within that humankind is on the verge of a "reset". Sure, I could be wrong about that, but I'm reminded of the many unrelated prophecies speaking of a return to a "Golden Age" (the Age of Aquarius, the Mayan Calendar and even the bible speaks
of an ending of one age and the starting of new age of peace and enlightenment). It's always darkest before the light so I'm hopeful as more people reject religion while interest in the spiritual is growing. It's also very interesting what quantum physicists are observing.

I've thought about this...a billionth of a second before any given mark of time is met is the future, a billionth of a second after is the past, so we never really, truly exist in the "present". Perhaps that place of pure consciousness exists between those two...and can go either way.
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