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Old 01-03-2012, 01:41 PM
Posts: n/a
BL- The point you made about the massive spiritual growth and changing vibrations is so thought provoking. I am in a situation where my relationship with my husband has actually suffered because I am a completely different person than the one he married. It is very difficult to find common ground at all nowadays.

I am also I unrecognizable as the person I was when I met this other, let's say "divine counterpart" and yet- he and I continue to resonate with each other more and more profoundly. It's staggering really. So I really like this line of thought.

Everything around me and inside me has changed so profoundly in the last 6 or 7 years. Friends, interests, work have all come and gone, as I adapt to this new and always developing awareness. It makes very little sense that I would still be as compelled by a connection to one other individual the whole time.

That's a lot to think about, thanks!
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