Thread: Hidden Years.
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Old 31-07-2019, 02:18 PM
neil neil is offline
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Originally Posted by Honza
How would Jesus ever manage to reach India should He know it existed? He would have to walk or travel by horse which would take years. It is an unlikely theory. My apologies for goading you.

Honza...after Jesus became a Christed being, Jesus could perform all manner of amazing abilities.

Jesus was said to have walked on water, but Jesus had no need to walk on water, plus he would have gotten his sandles & the bottom of his robes soaking wet.
Jesus could utilize his magical spiritual abilities, by using his spiritual mind in consonance with the magical energies of the universe, in order to levitate his Earthly flesh body off the ground, & once levitated, all he had to do was use his mind to propel him self to any location on any continent around this planet, & all literally at break neck speeds, that would rival todays high speed airforce jets.
He could also create a protective barrier to sheild him self from the onslaught of high speed winds....seriously... with his mind, Jesus could
have accomplished phenomenal tasks.

Jesus had at his disposal, the full array of magical spiritual abilities. & did not need a donkey for transport.
Infact, he could have also levitated Mary & the apostles at the same time, & they all could have traveled together.....SERIOUSLY.

Honza...the above is, "spiritual knowledge 101".
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