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Old 18-09-2017, 04:34 AM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
Sorry, I should have said "Pick up something the SITTER could take." Sunday night and my brain is tired lol.

If I am reading for someone and the sitter isn't in the room (I often read via chat rooms and through message boards) I do not know the validity of what I get until the sitter gives me feedback.

As time has gone by and I've had more practice, there are times when I feel pretty confident in what I have seen/felt before I get feedback but I'm always just a bit "anxious" that this will be the time I totally miss lol.

So the very first time I was in a class and focused on someone and told them what I saw... and they said it was right... it was incredible and quite a shock!

I still sort of hold my breath until I get feedback. Probably a mediums/psychic's greatest obstacle is doubt.
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