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Old 03-08-2016, 09:57 AM
AHIYAH AHIYAH is offline
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Originally Posted by RabbiO
Hebrew scripture is written without vowels.

When vowel signs were developed, the vowel signs for Adonai were placed into the tetragramaton as reminder to substitute that term when reading aloud YHWH. When you add those vowels to YHWH you get "Yehovah" which was never the name of G-d, which led to the erroneous Christian translation of "Jehovah."


You may have missed the vowel letters or vowel consonants if you will. Yodh,Waw,Hei this would've been the transition stage before the vowel signs were added. The so called name YHWH is spelt without vowels because of the different dialects back then. One dialect which is also Phoenecian is YaHaWaHa which is funny because in my language Waha means mouth. According to the so called Scriptures when this God figure gave Moses the so called name AlefHei YodhHei the dialect that is now accepted as Hebrew is EH YeH and is translated as I am that I am, or even I am that I will be and to me is I and I which can be AlefTaw. The dialect that I prefer is AHIYAH. It's again funny because Ahi in my language is Fire/Light, so since there are cultures that refer to Yah as Great Spirit I prefer to look at that supposed name YAH as the unexplained energy.
What I really want to ask you is using the now hebrew language could you translate the word Maori that would be MemAlefWawReishYodh, the Waw is a Vowel consonant. In my language Maori simply means Ordinary Man/Woman/People.
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