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Old 05-01-2019, 07:08 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by janielee
What if you have depression?

There are many possible causes of depression.

For example, depression might be due to particular deficiencies, and there are many reports of particular herbs or vitamin/mineral supplements being very helpful.

Or depression may be a response to particular life circumstances.

But I am a great believer that depression is caused by suppressed emotional pain and grief, usually from our childhood. Taking pharmaceutical medications may ease the symptoms and make it easier to cope with daily life, but they will not deal with the underlying cause.

Life seems to have a way of bringing these suppressed emotions to the surface. The idea is we experience them fully and release them. But we tend to resist them because we don't want to experience whatever pain it is we have spent years suppressing.

But eventually suppressing these feelings causes more pain than the original pain we are trying to avoid. In the end, reconnecting with painful feelings brings release and relief, even if it means weeks or months of crying or whatever else is necessary.

It is all learning, and it is all personality. The Soul is just the witness, unaffected by any of it. But when we eventually come out of depression then we are lighter and freer, and the personality is a more useful vehicle for Soul expression.

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