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Old 16-05-2019, 03:53 PM
Rachella Rachella is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 187
Originally Posted by Yaoughta
The left often represents what you're taking in, what you're consuming and or how you see yourself or wish to be. Since this is a dream about shoes, it represents how you wish to be perceived and the path you wish to tread. The right represents what you're putting out and how you're actually perceived. There is a disconnect in how you wish to live. The store represents choices and options available. Although you wish to be well off, classy and or elegant, that path does not seem to be present at the moment. Please keep in mind that it may not be present at the moment because you "think" that it is not present, but nothing in the world is as it "seems" to be, you only think it is. Picture yourself in a shoe store with all sorts of shoes in your size with both pairs available!
Thanks dear, I love this interpretation. It adds so much to my own dream knowledge too. I had another dream long time ago where I had both shoes and then I happened to drop and lose the right one somewhere. This makes a lot of sense.
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