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Old 19-11-2017, 04:03 PM
SpiritofZoe SpiritofZoe is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by Glenda
hahah i read all conversation and i felt yeah this is right that Cancerians are stubborn but not in every way i am also a Cancerian and people who know me they know i am not stubborn but how are not close to me they always just try to find me what i am, i didn't try to hide myself but might i affair to be open in front of everyone i have very limited circle and i can do anything for them. Hallow!! i agreed with you that cancer's most worst sign in fire but do you know i am engaged to a Aries. He hurts me so many time and i either too but still i know he has a good soul inside i know i am kind of complicated there is no way to change me but there is a way to know me and to make that place in mine heart so i could sacrifice myself for him and he had by not talking to me but by holding on this relationship for years. I do think he loves me and will be a good partner for me and i love him too what do you think would it be work for us or No?

Your signs are squared and that is a good formula for growth. WHerever we are in a close personal relationship with someone with squared signs those are presented to us and intended for growth, as are opposites. Whereas if it is semi-sextile which is adjactent sign, or 5 signs apart which is really awkard, those are more people to keep at arm's length, that's just my opinion.
Any way it is really cool that you love and accept each other - with fire and water your innate natures, impulses, stubborness are right out there on the surface to deal with and adapt to each other.
I would suggest you do whole chart readings for you both so you can see far beyond your sun signs, because in a long-term relationship those other aspects will be very important - you have rising signs, moon signs and planet placements that modify sun signs in major ways. Blessings to you.
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