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Old 29-06-2012, 06:09 PM
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Greetings Everyone:

Originally Posted by Neville

Do you think?

Hell hath no fury and all that... Don't fall into that old stereotype... Anyhoo . your opinion is respected and I'll leave that one alone... because I find myself still needing to be convinced that the goddess cannot be or rather is not capable of being I AM.... Discrimination I tell ya, where is the equality here...

Know yourself... The female elements along with the male elements reside within you, Born of both Mother and Father, how much more convincing of I AM does one need to be? It's in your DNA innit..

God and Goddess are composite parts of I AM...

One for you ladies....When you draw down the Moon (If you practice such a thing in your ritual) where do you draw it down to..? Why , Into the Womb ofcourse, ergo incorporating the goddess into the self through ceremony.. Trying to bring the Goddess into I AM Irrespective of the self evidential statement that your are the fruit of both x and y loins.

I really should not find myself stating the obvious..

I blame the Romans really...

Mithras = No Women Allowed ...
Vesta = No Men Allowed.....

Anyhow returning briefly back to the opening quotation.

Err.... That would actually be the instinct of self preservation which is totally genderless.

So Black Widow's and Blue Beard's, Feminism is as bad as Chauvinism or Mysogeny... I am not wordy enough to know the difference..

I'll say it how I see it, The Goddess is Sacred, but neither more or less Sacred than God... Hows that for a bit of flag waving for equality

Lest the imbalance ensues.

I love you Neville--it's been a while.

I have a lot of the God in me--in fact--I have often been accused of being Gay--because I am so strong, stubborn, and fiercely independent!

I honor the Masculine Divine at the (8) Sabbats of the Wheel--but (in my Tradition) females worship the Goddess and males worship the God--
it depends on the direction in which your own inclinations and energies tend to lean toward.

I follow the Nordic/Green path as a practicing Solitary--not as a Wiccan--
nothing wrong w/ worshiping the Androgynous Divine--
SheWhoPlays. You most likely have a well-balanced mixture
of both the Feminine and Masculine Divine energies within--
so it is only natural that you would want to embrace them both.

However--I have to agree w/ Honza on this point--
most Religions that refer to the "I am" are referring to the God.

Peace and Love on the path to forming and embracing your own opinions...

Blessed be...
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