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Old 25-05-2014, 03:40 AM
Paiganrose Paiganrose is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 73
Originally Posted by libelula
I'm not sure law is the correct word, laws are man made. I would feel better with Way, Ways of the universe like ways of the Tao.

I have heard that the English language is the most complex language to learn and understand. The words in this post is what people understand and what they are conditioned to. To these patrons Way of Attraction is less recognised than Law of Attraction and so on and so forth. The word 'Law' may hold some negative connotation to it only because of the negative emotion that can be attached to the word by the general population - as like with all words. Yes it could be man made - however the understanding of the word law, especially to the general population is we have been conditioned to it for so long...and for some it works for them...just like WAY works for you.

However utilising these words are not necessarily a connotation of how confined we are, just utilising the words that people are most used to. Sometimes it's a simple way of being able to communicate to a variety of people - simply. We have to adopt globally a different WAY of seeing things and saying things for it to truly change.

Thank you for your insight!

Originally Posted by Visitor
Hello Paiganrose.Personally I believe there is only one true law from which many other sub laws stem from, like a tree with many branches. This law is unconditional love, which encompasses truth and faith within it.There is also only one false law, it too has many branches. This law is conditional fear, which encompasses falsehoods and doubt within it. In my personal experience, the law of unconditional love meets all my needs (not my wants), both physically and spiritually. The law of conditional fear always leaves my wanting, and never satisfies me physically or spiritually.

Simplifying everything down, YES I agree there is only one law - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

Thank you Visitor
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