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Old 01-09-2019, 08:36 AM
Posts: n/a
White is chaos not peace

Water when calm or flowing is clear, air when it is calm or flowing is clear, both together balanced and calm are both clear to look at, yet mix them up and cause chaos and you get white, rapids/waterfalls, high winds hitting tops of waves give the White Sea spray, when there is white there is chaos. Including snow, water is frozen so it is not longer in a state of flowing/calm
So if white is chaos and people say to meditate and what not by surrounding yourself in white light you must be creating chaos, which would explain the emotional pleasures people being close to the light would talk of, yet using clear energy is like water clear and calm and at ease.

Just something random to think about, it was something that came to me after I had finished my day of snowboarding and was looking at a small stream running down the hill, got hinted that I should share as food for thought
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