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Old 01-02-2018, 03:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Angnix
I am not Wiccan but almost converted before. Anyway I found out a cousin of mine I just got reconnected with is Wiccan. I told my husband (a fairly open minded Christian) and then later he told me "things about you, don't you know you have the power of a witch?" But he just left it at that, I'm afraid to ask what he meant? I know he doesn't know about Wiccan religion, he's Caribbean and he's familiar instead with voodoo and santaria. I want to tread carefully because I know he believes in magic but the church might have taught him it's evil.

I think you have to accept that the church will brand anything not following its dogma as evil. Ironically, the Roman church was as corrupt as hell (something that Calvin aimed to reform). It would do what it thought was the Christian thing like burning anyone alleged to be a witch or heretic or put them through some horrid tortures - things of which it's a fair bet that Jesus would never condone.

Depending from where your husband originates, he'd tell you a few things about history, treatment of slaves and how and why the neo-African faiths emerged. Your mention of Voodoo suggests Haiti but Santeria suggests Cuba.
(I am kanzo-ed voodoo or Vodou). You don't mention what your husband's standing is with the (presumably Christian church.

Difficult to suggest how to approach it. You could start a dialogue along the lines of "I'm really not too sure what this Wicca is about. I know people involved but never talked much about it. What do you know of it? Any thoughts?" if the chance arises and the mood is right.
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