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Old 07-10-2006, 08:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Another thing I find disturbing about this.....

Just say it is possible to revive these people. Nobody knows how the human race will evolve and how society may view them at the time of their revival. So, for example, are they seen as cherished individuals with human rights and entitlements? or are they research subjects or curiosities? - Will their welfare be taken care of or will their welfare even be a consideration at all?

Also, will revival be achieved at all costs? For example, those people who have had their heads frozen in the hope that they might have a beautiful new body fashioned for them might wind up welded to some hideous configuration, a bizarre relic, perhaps considered offensive to others and shunned by the remainder of society, or even worse a head floating in some medium rich feeding/breathing tank in a museum, endlessly bobbing up and down whilst hoards of children poke their tongues out and tap on the glass with their pencils?

If modern science has found a way of not only reviving them but also keeping them alive eternally they will have achieved their goal, but at what cost? -can you think of anything more hellish? Wanting so much to live, and then wanting so much to be allowed to die again?

I would hasten to add, "be careful what you wish for..."