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Old 25-12-2015, 08:44 PM
jacqueline jacqueline is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 78
Originally Posted by knightofalbion

As the Light is kindled within us, our eyes and hearts are opened to the overwhelming beauty and wonder of this world, beauty and wonder that, for the most part, we have been blind to before.

To be honest that resonates with me. I just started to truly appreciate the magic of the Earth. My heart unlocked to the real beauty so my eyes can see now. Even walking down the street I look at frowned eyebrows on people's faces and think- how can you be so frowned when that much of creation's beauty surrounds you? I start to HEAR the birds singing, I can SEE the clouds and the trees talking to us, the pulse of the Mother Earth. It is all there, sadly we just do not notice...

It's just...the beauty of Nature makes me feel love and I want to share it here- for example with photos!
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