Thread: Why?
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Old 19-03-2017, 10:45 AM
BMD.KKS BMD.KKS is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
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Thinking about death is a very good thing. Everyone has to pass through it, yet everyone avoids thinking about it and what comes after. Death is an incredible opportunity and ancient civilizations spent their whole lives preparing themselves for death, so they may take full advantage of the opportunity.

Saturn makes a full swing in everyone's natal chart at around 28/29 years, so this may also play a big part in your thinking right now. Saturn is a harsh teacher, pulling away the veil of illusion and forcing us to see things as they are and look at things we tried to avoid. During this period, one also fully steps into adulthood and into your self, potentially leaving a lot of the conditioning and the influence of the expectations others have of you as a child behind. Set your intent how you want to define yourself during this stage, yet avoid boxes and labels.

The soul is eternal and the body is a dress. As one dress fades it is replaced with a new one. It is said in a vedic aphorism that death is like a cruel teacher to the materialist, but approaches with folded palms to one on the spiritual path. Another allegory is that death is like the jaws of a mother cat. A materialist experiences it like a mouse experiences the mouth of the cat, absolute terror, but one on the spiritual path experiences it like a kitten in the mouth of its mother, safe and protected. Same teeth, but relating to it completely different.
Every action of every person is either an act of love, or a cry for love

We are eternal spiritual beings made for love and possess an infinite capacity to love. Every moment is an opportunity to learn how to love.
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