Thread: An Emperor
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Old 02-04-2011, 10:09 PM
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An Emperor

There once was an Emperor that was searching for a new body guard. The emperor was presented three men. Two samurai and one rabbi. The first samurai stood before the emperor where the emperor opened a box. A fly flew out and buzzed there about up and above and in a blink of an eye the samurai with one fair swoosh of the sword cut the fly into two. The second samurai was brought before the emperor, where the emperor opened a box before the samurai. A fly flew out and buzzed there about up and above when in one swift swoosh the fly was cut in half. The Rabbi then last, was brought before the emperor who then presented a box. The emperor opened the box and a fly flew out and buzzed there about above and about, the Rabbi began madly swooshing his sword, there again another swift swoosh, he madly swooshed the sword there about above and about when finally the fly landed safely back in the box. The emperor looked down into the box at the fly then up at the Rabbi asking what had happened. The Rabbi responded if you look closely you will find seven microscopic cuts. There the fly has been circumcised.
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