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Old 26-11-2019, 03:28 PM
hazada guess
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by green1

I have a few explanations as to how synchronicity and signs happen.

1. Telepathic request/response

This is best explained by an example. For example, we see a meaningful car license plate, e.g. TEA exactly when we suspect that “tea” is harmful to us, that is we probably drink too much tea. How this coincidence can happen? Our soul is capable of remote viewing and telepathically (in subconscious telepathy) requests that car’s driver to be seen to our mind exactly when our mind suspects that tea is harmful to us. The driver accepts the request and this coincidence happens.

2. Panoramic view

Our soul has panoramic view that is 360 degrees. If we are interested in a number, e.g 11:11 or 1234, it takes our attention to it happening somewhere around us like a clock or book, newspaper, etc.

3. Law of attraction

For example: We see a shooting star or a falling leaf exactly when we have a specific thought. We must believe that shooting stars or falling leaves may happen in response to our thoughts (law of attraction).

4. Deja vu

Deja vu happens when someone in subconscious telepathy visits us and we remember them. The mind, remembering something (the visitor) but being incapable of seeing it, is tricked to think that it remembers that moment.

Good point's there,but open to debate.Someone will come and try and prove you wrong
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