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Old 06-08-2014, 02:57 PM
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The Diaries of Saint Sister Faustina thru Jesus Christ - Jesus is "Divine Mercy"

When Jesus appeared to Saint Sister Faustina on so many occasions during the 1930's in Her Convent room and Chapel - Jesus said that after He had appeared to Saint Faustina with His Divine Mercy Holy messages and Chaplet to be given to the world - He would be appearing soon thereafter.

There has been a 40 year delay in Jesus' Divine Mercy Holy messages with 1978 being the first date of publication (after Saint Faustina died). 600 pages were written by Jesus thru Saint Sister Faustina with some of the following included that are similar yet not identical to Revelations;

"Write this down, that before My Coming as Judge I shall come first as the King of Mercy. Before the coming of that day of justice, there will be a sign in the Heavens. All light will be extinguished in Heaven and earth. There will appear in the sky the Sign of The Cross. From each of the wounds on My Hands and Feet will shine forth a light that will for a brief time brighten the earth.

This will be a short time before the last day".

Jesus has already visited earth as The King of Mercy when Jesus visited Saint Sister Faustina during the 1930's with His Divine Mercy Holy messages and Chaplet of Divine Mercy for people to recite in order to be taken into His Divine Mercy.

The Messiah will be returning to Earth as Jesus said - and that Messiah is Jesus Christ our Saviour - Merciful Saviour now for those of whom turn to Him, prior to when Jesus appears here on His Earth soon.

When God The Most High gives His Holy directive - Jesus will be appearing like a thief in the night as Jesus warned not only in His New Testament to His Disciples - Jesus has warned about this in His Divine Mercy Holy messages to the world thru Saint Faustina during the 1930's whereby Jesus said:

"Turn to My Mercy before it is too late".

"Woe to those who ignore My Mercy".

Our Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God said to her:
"I gave the world a Saviour, you must make known His Mercy, and prepare the world for His Second Coming. He will then come not as a Merciful Saviour, but as a just Judge. Oh how terrible is that day! Determined is the day of justice. Angels tremble before it. Speak to souls of His great Mercy while there is still time. If you remain silent now, you will have to account for a great number of souls on that final day. Be faithful to the end".

Hence, people of whom Love and Trust in Jesus receiving Him into their Hearts, including those of whom believe and trust in Jesus having appeared to Saint Sister Faustina, are spreading Jesus' Divine Mercy (Holy messages and Divine Mercy Chaplet) that He gave to the world to recite just once during their lives turning to Him - in order for those people of whom may be unbelievers in Him - to be taken into His Flock - His Fold - prior or on the day of Justice - the day of Justice - which Jesus has explained within His 600 pages of Divine Mercy Holy messages is 'soon'.

Both God the Most High's Old Testament and Jesus' New Testament indicate that mankind is in its last 40 years.

Jesus' Holy messages on His Divine Mercy indicate that mankind is in its last 40 years; therefore one needs to look at what is going to assist one in their own Salvation eternally.

Jesus is our Merciful Saviour here while on earth if one has turned to Jesus.

God The Most High is our just judge without mercy - without Jesus' Divine Mercy.

Jesus explains this in His Divine Mercy Holy messages.

One faces the wrath of My Father without My Divine Mercy - Jesus explains.

Given that many are prophesising or toying with the idea through a false prophet that other people through Jesus/God will be born and act in the role of our King - our Messiah - instead of Jesus appearing here on Earth for the Second Coming of Christ - I thought it right in my heart to warn that this is false.

Our Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God has been spreading Jesus and Her Holy messages from God The Most High for a good 40 years through not only Saints but others of whom have Loved and trusted in Jesus from their hearts, receiving Him and our Blessed Virgin Mary's Holy messages;

- hundreds are unknown to one another - and hundreds have stated the same things - that Jesus is appearing here on earth soon and that Jesus requires repentance of one's own wrongs or sins from hearts - prior to when Jesus appears here. Thereafter Jesus and our Lady Mary Mother of God have stated that it is too late to be given Mercy for past sins and that souls perish eternally.

Kindest wishes

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