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Old 27-09-2012, 03:48 AM
Posts: n/a
Time in "heaven" doesn't exist... and I feel we get all the "time" we need there, but eventually we decide to return, if needed, for our advancement to higher "heavenly" planes.
We can procrastinate but eventually do what's needed to advance our soul when it yearns for growth.
(Earth isn't the only possible destination of course)

Perhaps it's like the army recruiter, and the opportunity sounds more appealing than it is, once we're here.

I imagine David Hawking chose to be limited by MS ,in order to focus on mental realms...a very unusual circumstance-man

My minister said her mother nearly died giving birth to her,
apparently her soul didn't realize how tough earthlife was till she was nearing birth.. and resisted delivery. She later had a NDE and again didn't want to come back... but was advised she had crucial work to do.

My life has been relatively undramatic compared to many, and I've witnessed more pain in loved ones than I've had to experience. Much of my learning seems to have been by observation , and I've been told I came to learn about love.

Jurgen suggests a council of sorts determines where we go, while in "heaven" and together with them we decide our next incarnation. (as I recall what he recounted from his astral journeys to the betweenlife)

Some say "god tests those he loves most" and I must say I've heard
stories about lightworkers-healers that seems to confirm this.
Stories about abusive families, illness, biziarre accidents
(like Dannon Brinkley struck by lightning, Donald Walsh's car crash,
others who overcame abusive families, and addiction to serve the light.
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