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Old 26-11-2012, 05:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Ooo, I love this question & reading all the different ways people's loved ones show they are with us!

My beloved was killed by a drunk driver 8/23/11..right away he started showing us signs (the first night after I was with his oldest son and his brother in law) -- we saw shooting stars while talking about him, and each song on the radio after that (until we all said, Okay, this is cool but so weird, enough! :) ) had a meaning to one of us, or the title held a message. These have continued for me so many times for me; I'll sit outside & talk to him & see shooting stars as I ask a question or say something key (though I joke that he may be right there beside me sorta giggling at me gazing at the night sky talking to him, as though he's 'up there' :) ); on important anniversary dates I've turned on Pandora & I call it "Kelly playing cosmic DJ", the messages in the songs & lyrics just can't be denied it's him (including 2 I'd never heard before - one described his tattoo, and philosophy on life, and another, an odd talent of his, he could do splits on the trampoline like a 16 year old cheerleader, though he was 40 year old former football player...and who knew there was a song about bouncing on a trampoline!)

Mostly, though, he sends the yellow smiley faces to all of us (me, his family) :) One was in this infamous tattoo of his & now they pop up everywhere -- balloons, flags, license plates, servers nametags, etc. (esp. server workers with the name Kelly, many with a smiley on it, too...)

These have all helped me IMMENSELY, esp. with the suddenness and shock of 'losing' him, that he remains close in whatever way he can...

Thanks for the opportunity to share these, as I love talking about it, and, learning more ways others experience the ongoing connection! :)
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