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Old 11-01-2013, 11:39 PM
knightofalbion knightofalbion is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 18,675
Interesting story, Stephen. Similar to Tobi and LPC.

Animals alive after death. To be alive after death means they have a soul as we do. Is it just these animals? No how could it be? It's all animals. ALL.
A revelation with the most profound implications.

The unity of all life, something reported again and again and again in NDE accounts, and by disincarnate spiritual teachers like Silver Birch and White Eagle etc.
All this talk of religion, but it's how you live your life that is the all-important thing.
If you set out each day to do all the goodness and kindness that you can, and to do no harm to man or beast, then you are walking the highest path.
And when your time is up, if you can leave the earth a better place than you found it, then yours will have been a life well lived.
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