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Old 17-02-2019, 08:38 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527, thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this and explain it so thoroughly.

I love how you compared reiki to qigong in a way that there is no authority or one translation that can describe exactly what "it" is. This is exactly where I became a bit frustrated with reiki and the various techniques used, who's reiki is better than who's or who is doing it correctly or not. I now see there are just as many variations of qigong and it means different things to different people as well, so thank you for pointing this out.

I love how you explained the interconnectedness of all systems of the body, this is so important. Your explanation of the four key features of any qigong practice was so in depth and so very well written. It gave me lots to think about. Very interesting take on what "relaxation" really truly is, as well as intention.

Aww, I really am so touched by all the great comments here and the time you've all put into replying! I truly appreciate all of you!
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