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Old 03-12-2012, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Jade F^lcon
I would say Christianity is a religion, however I also think it has been basterdized, corrupted, twisted, mutated, and manipluated into the seething monster that now stand before us today. The bibles pages preach tolerance, understanding, and love however the mainstream aspects of the church practice intolerance, oppression, and hate mongering. There has been so much blood shed by the supposedly peaceful christain faith it is insane. Their conquest for superiority among all other faiths have led them to where they r today. Tho I think its not what Jesus would have wanted it to be.

Well Said!
They sing songs to destroy their enemies.
They Pray to destroy their enemies.
They Have killed many souls, in the name of their God.
They have inspired and influenced totalitarianism world wide.
They preach FEAR
They Preach Hell and Fire
They say either with us or You'll burn eternally
They are the true definition of Domination.
They campaign Charity BUT worship Abundance and preach prosperity of worldly goods.
They say all the poor and weak are afflicted of the Devil and or deserving via (generational curses)
They worship appearance, status and symbolism.
They are the world's most judgmental people.
They prey on the weak and lost.
They argue amongst themselves
They script and compromise to sell
They are bitterly knowing but deny their decline.
They are all Business and full of S-H-I-T
Their Car parks are a JOKE, just as when they dress up to buy groceries.
What bigger group of hypocrites could ever see in such a gathering.

The list goes on and on ...

It's not only a religion, but one in which it's run its course. The Christians of Today are victims of their own prophecy!

I reject any force or creator that says Bow down or Burn. And reject all claims of Christianity under the banner of any of the above. A filthy species we have become under it's political direction ... it is the essence that has destroyed this that respect creating it's own end and the extinction of humanity and WORSE "Nature" itself. PURE EVIL!

I can't wait till it's all said and done.

**&^ Christianity for all it's done. (obviously I have never recovered ... it has that effect on you ;) Love and peace to those that look with in. Sorry that I can not find softer words in which to talk about such destruction...something I am struggling with... :(

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