Thread: 100 % proof
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Old 26-03-2013, 03:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by paulie74
Anyway, apologies for my rambling. So does anyone have anything they feel is real proof? I would be grateful for any answers on personal experiences.

When we pass from this life the proof will be self-evident.... :^)

I honestly don't see it as a bad thing at all that we generally are unsure of what goes on "over there" while residing in this physical body. It seems that this is the theme... that we forget... it appears that this forgetting is intentional since "not knowing" is quit common and normal... so why fight it?

If we're here to live the physical then our attention would need to be riveted on such..

I personally have plenty of proof that we continue, and that those that we've known are still existing outside our view... but telling you this won't bring about the conviction that you're looking for... they would just be more disembodied stories for you to add to your thoughts... If your soul intended you to know then within moments you would... our souls can inject what it wishes at will... this afterlife knowing seems to occur on a "need to know" basis.... the fact that you're curious at this serious a level may suggest that an "experience" is heading your way (I often feel thematic ripples shortly before such an event actually unfolds)... for that's the only way you'll know for certain... you'll need to see it for yourself.... and once you know, you'll then "know".. there's little ambiguity when the truth is standing there with you... :^)
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