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Old 10-03-2018, 10:26 AM
Goddessa Goddessa is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 321
Recurring dream takes a nasty turn

Since late last year I've been having this recurring dream where I walk into my house (ideal house, not present in reality. Yet.) after a morning run to have the kitchen door opened by this tall, quite well built, strong looking guy. He smiles and let's me in while behind him, I see he has been preparing breakfast for us. Even my dog is in there happily following him around.

I've had this dream many times and have used the imagery when visualising my manifestation too. A friend also had a dream of me and from what she describes, this very same guy in a family gathering setting. she described him as being very protective and almost ushering me in like a bodyguard.

So for months now this dream and my visualisations from it have been a source of comfort until last night. In my visualisation last night, I have the same scene where I walk into the kitchen and but this time he is not at the door to welcome me. He is instead, at the kitchen island doing something, maybe preparing food, I couldn't see this time, and his back is facing me.

I walk towards him and as he turns around his face is that of a growling, drooling, fanged monster about to lunge at me.

I thought I was in control of the visualisation so why did this happen? What on earth does it mean?

I actually tried to clear that image and went back in the visualisation where I infused the entire house with this almost blinding white light as I walked in. I also zapped the monster with the same white light and he fizzled away. I felt better doing this but I'm not even sure what exactly it was that I was doing.
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