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Old 20-11-2010, 04:03 PM
17 years of separation
Posts: n/a
My story: I decided to stay celibate

Dear all,

I am new at this form as I've only recently experienced spiritual awakening.
I will try to summarize my rather interesting story.
I have met my soulmate when I was 17 during the exciting ski trip.
We saw eachother at the apre ski party he came up to me and we started kissing right a way. People were stunned. We continued dating experiencing pure bliss when together.
However unthinkable happened.
The war broke out in the part of Europe. I exiled to the part of country where my mother is from. As I didn't know at that time anything about soulmates, and I was very young I continued to date other people. I noticed right a way that while connections were sexually charged none of those have depth and intimacy as the one I had with him. 10 months later when returning from school I saw him. He exiled to the same area. Our connection was instant and we continued to see each other. My parents who managed to escape to another area wanted my sister and I to join them ASAP. The night before our separation he and I confessed our love for each other. I cried for 12 hours straight knowing that I will not be able to live without him. As if someone gave me the harshest life sentence that night. We have reunited with the parents. We have decided to immigrate to Canada.
That is where I have been living for the past 17 years. But I count my years from the time of separation with him.
We have wrote each other letters. I found it too painful so I entered another relationship, this time I went overboard I got married. I ended up in abusive relationship divorcing shortly afterwords. He found out I think and he never wrote again. I found out that shortly after words he entered another relationship as well.
There was no contact. In 1999 I met someone at the sea coast line who told me that she works with someone by that name. His name is very common name in that area. It could have been anyone. I knew that was him and no other. I asked her to give him my e-mail. He wrote right a way! He was cold. I found out he was engaged to be married. I went on with my life. I had a string of unsuccesful relationships. In 2004 I met someone at work I got married again, got pregnant and started somewhat satisfying home life which turned into abusive relationship again. I could not reach pinnicle of pleasure sexualy. I would compare my spouse to my soulmate. I left the bedroom and we are getting divorced right now. My spouse has moved on very quickly I beleive he is already seing someone. I have a beautiful daughter thus I do not view my marriage as a mistake. For the past year while strongly feeling yearning for my soulmate, I have worked on my spirituality. I am able to se my aura and I was in the vortex twice. It was beautiful. I decided to contact spiritual advisor who was recommended to me. She told me right a way that I have a soulmate who is separated from me. She told me that he is going through a tough divorce right now. She told me that he is angry with me and that he doesn't wish to be contacted so I wouldn't see how unhappy he is right now. She also picked up on the fact that we've never had a sex (really).:))) She has also confirmed that the reason I can not orgasam with anyone else as because my chakra would only open to him. She sees that we will be reunited one day and even have a child when he works out his issues. She described him as if she sees his picture. He became a wealthy but not happy man. He becane a ssuccesful leader of a large enterprize. He is thinking already that only true happines can come from me.
This was a pivotal confirmation for me life, that I am not crazy, dellusional or sexualy disfunctional. That I am simply spiritual being who could not complete the life without the One. From everything I have experienced known and seen, I know where I belong I know for who my soul is yearning and how I can complete myself. While 17 years was a long long time of suffering I can wait 17 more. But I will not enter another sexual relationship again. I am open to dating and friendships I am at the peace with my decesion. Any thoughts or comments let me know and God Bless. Namaste

Last edited by 17 years of separation : 20-11-2010 at 11:42 PM.
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