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Old 07-03-2011, 10:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by EternallyHurt
Thank you so much for replying to my thread
The person who the spirit claimed to be never knew me while they were alive. I know of them but never really "knew" them if you know what I mean .
You know, what you said about the spirit never leaving my side no matter how many times I chose to hurt it is very interesting because the spirit told me it would never leave me ... and lately, I have been seeing all kinds of things that are related to this person, including peculiar dreams and things.
I still dont know what to make of it all, though.
The spirit was very forgiving and when I wanted to be left alone, he left me alone. There were times when I wanted to be left alone but I didnt at the same time and so when I told the spirit to leave me alone and he did it, I would become a little sad ... I dont know, the whole thing was very peculiar and confusing to me .
The spirit doesnt visit me anymore ... he left a while ago .. but even though the spirit left, things about the person who the spirit claimed to be are popping up all over the place as recent as today.

This is interesting too. As often spirits who do come in visitation usually know the people concerned. Other then that all I can think of is that you must have a spiritual connection with this person, I can only think then it is your guardian angel, just a theory/oppinion though nothing set in stone.

It is strange that the spirit person is leaving you things that will give you clues as to who this person is, maybe he could be related to your family say a past relative. I'm still fairly new to this subject as far as understanding but I'm starting to do my own research into this and also past life regression too.

I am still struggling coming to terms with the spirit life even though I've had many experiences it is a lonely process I agree, but I'm lucky in one respect that I've been able to find someone who can teach me about these things.

With best wishes.