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Old 06-03-2011, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by sound
How does one all of a sudden 'become' a spiritual being? What were you before this 'happening.'

I don't know if you're familiar with the scriptures or not but the prophets, messiah and saints were God's special bodies that he used for his own purpose to reveal his knowledge with. God made all the bodies for his people with corrupt DNA to keep everyone decieved during this age. He needed to do this so his bodies could hear his voice of truth. These corrupt DNA makes everyone liars, which only means they can't speak the truth. This made it easier for us to hear the truth.

The truth is nothing more than correctly arranged words according to God's knowledge. For example; God says, "the yellow house is big enough for his family." The corrupt DNA would cause us to say, "the yellow house isn't big enough for our children. Do you see the difference between the truth of God and the deception that our DNA makes us believe? They just twist the the words a little so we can't understand the truth. God made us like this so he could work with his people and reveal his knowledge.

This is the only reason that God needed this age. This knowledge will be used by his selected people when they wake up in their new bodies in paradise. We won't have any memory to work with so we won't be able to speak to each other. This knowledge, which is God, will guide us to form a new vocabulary and language so he can reveal more knowledge to us and let us know what happened and what the future will be. He will let us know that many people will be reborn into paradise and we'll teach them the new language with any new knowledge by God. This knowledge will be added to the language so everyone will get to know God.

So I've always been created together with the prophets, the messiah and the other saints as light energy. Everything else was created by this light power of God so that's why we speak for God during this age and the next one. We were made for God and man was created both male and female so he will have two bodies of the opposite sex in paradise. They will be partners forever and help repopulate the new earth. If you hear the truth in these words, then keep listening because you could be the next saint. All I do for God now is share his inspired words with whoever will listen.