Thread: MIR method
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Old 26-01-2012, 10:05 PM
Xan Xan is offline
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Thank you sunny shine for letting me post this. It may make the method even easier to use, and to pass along to others. Xan


Mind, Body and Heart

MIR-Method is a self healing approach which is aimed at the cause of all physical, material and emotional problems and issues which lies in the subconscious mind; and clears the way for your natural self-healing powers. It is very simple and yet very effective for healing and for improving one's quality of life, as many people are finding, in both obvious and subtle ways.

The subconscious mind carries out its conditioning as permanent assignments, and this rules the body-mind unless and until it is changed. We may clear and revise the programming by resetting certain basic instructions.

However, your mind must feel safe in order to open to new ways. This is why self-rejection and 'trying' with change methods get in the way of how you want to go ahead in your life. You can create an inner sense of safety simply by stoking your bare skin in a caring way, with gentle loving touch.

Practicing the MIR-Method takes only 2 minutes every day, morning and evening, for 4 weeks. Most people feel relief from their discomforts in the first few days and weeks. Children and animals respond more quickly, having less resistance.

The Method
* Stroke your hand or other area of your bare skin lovingly and continuously through all the resetting steps.
* Give your subconscious mind the 9 reset assignments twice daily, morning and evening, for 4 weeks.
* Repeat each reset instruction 3 times, speaking it out loud or silently in your mind.

(Relaxed breathing in your belly supports being aware of emotional, physical or energy shifts, and accepting and allowing it all.)

The 9 steps
1. Optimize acid-alkaline balance.
2. Clear all toxicity.
3. Release father. Release mother. (3x each)
4. Clear meridians.
5. Supplement all shortages.
6. Balance hormone system.
7. Fulfill basic needs.
8. Optimize chakras and aura.
9. Clarify mission.

** Make sure to do all 9 steps in sequence or you may get off balance in some ways; and no more than twice a day.

- For serious physical conditions and emotional problems - such as chronic disease or depression, or if you are especially sensitive, you should begin with only steps 5 and 7 for 2 weeks, then continue with the 9 steps for 4 more weeks. You may need additional weeks for full healing.

- At times in the clearing process you may have an uncomfortable 'healing reaction' such as headaches, tiredness, rashes, etc.. You can ease through this phase with relaxed breathing down in your lower belly, which helps you to simply accept and allow whatever you experience as it passes by. And/or you may do the 9 steps only once a day until your reactions decrease.

- For others at a distance you may use the method, stating their name with repeating each step and stroking your own skin. For animals stroke their fur on the back or head, or if not feasible, on your own skin.

- You may wish to state a specific intention before doing the steps, but it's not considered necessary.

- For ongoing healing and well-being support you may practice the steps twice daily, one day each month or each week.

The MIR-Method was developed in 2009 by holistic therapist, Mireille Mettes, from The Netherlands. She says, “It is not necessary to ‘believe’ in this method. The laws of nature that I have used to develop the MIR-Method work for both humans and animals. The intensity in which you feel it working differs per person.”

modified just slightly from:

Go within, beloveds. Go deep within to the Heart of your Being.
The Truth is found there and nowhere else.-Sananda

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