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Old 26-03-2015, 09:16 AM
Prasant K
Posts: n/a
Certain foods when consumed create heating effect in your body while others create cooling effect. That itself is the major baseline to classify foods as heating or cooling types. Intake of excessive heating food can cause constipation, indigestion, ulcer, rashes and even short temper. Having excessive cooling foods on the other hand makes you lethargic, tired and low on energy.

Ayurvedic diet focuses on having your food in the right order and as per your body type, thereby, bringing a balance for optimum health. Ayurvedic diet also puts an emphasis on what type of food to eat during which season. For example, chilies are hot and should be avoided in summer.

Examples of heating foods are: Meat, fish, walnut, eggs, Onion, Tomato, Orange, Peanut, and Almond.

Examples of cooling foods are: Cow's milk, Goat's milk, Saffron, Wheat, Barley, Kidney Beans and carrots.
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