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Old 19-08-2019, 09:53 PM
Raven47 Raven47 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 46
Why something isn’t manifesting? Looking for your perspective and opinion

Hi all! I love hearing everyone’s opinions on different things, and seeing all the different perspectives out there. One thing that I have been curious asking about in regards to peoples opinions is in regards to manifesting/law of attraction. I have read that some people believe that if something is not manifesting or coming to fruition, its because it isn’t supposed to happen. But with this concept people think this is going against law of attraction principles because you have the ability to have and create whatever it is you want. Leading me into the other opinion that you can indeed have anything you desire, and if something is not manifesting it’s because we are not yet in alignment or have something else we need to work on energetically and internally. What do you think? Do you think if something isn’t manifesting it’s because it’s not supposed to happen? Or do you believe we can truly create and have whatever we wish and desire? Please explain your answers!! As I am so curious to hear everyone’s perspectives. I have my own opinion on this but don’t want to include it because I don’t want it influencing anyone’s response. Thanks so much for chiming in!! Blessings to all.

Again only looking for opinions and different perspectives, it is not because I am confused over this subject. :)
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