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Old 20-10-2010, 08:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by pre-dawn
I am trying to make sense of this.

Are you saying that there are other energies 'out there' but every Reiki attuned practitioner has the ability to selectively and exclusively channel Rei-Ki to the client. At the same the practitioners are unable to do the same thing for themselves and have to shield themselves from Bad-Ki which may flow from the client or the environment to them, and thus have to take special, and essentially non-Reiki measures?

Pre-dawn is absolutely correct,

it is to easy to love and light everything, ill tell yous a wee story

I do not go around telling people anything about me, i feel that is something of the ego, and feel that doing my work in the background is my way. I am however amongst many other things a reiki master teacher.

I have a very good friend who who has an idea about me and my spiritual developmental background but unless im specifically asked i will never tell, he has never asked me if i have a background in reiki so i have never told him, he therefore assumes that i dont know anything about it. He is a reiki master teacher and through years of self promotion is considered to be some sor of an authority, though i would disagree with many of his reiki views, which are reflected in many of these posts.

I walked into his house the very first time, and i felt like i had been punched in the gut. The atmosphere was thick and clammy, and i felt anxiety building up the longer i spent in his house. I offered my help after telling him this, he refused stating that what i was feeling was the high level energy coming from the ammount of reiki being done in his house, and that it was reacting with my "low" consciousness causing the sensations, he subsequently offered me a treatment, i thanked him but declined.

He did however give my wife a treatment and subsequently made her ill, untill i corrected the energy flow in her system. He again stated that it was the high level energy reacting with her low consciousness.

I visited his house spiritually and was "greeted" by a number of entities of various natures, which after discussion it became apparent that they were once attached to a "client" of his and now occupied his house, one of which had attached itself to him.

I visited the next day and told him all that i had learned, he laughed and carried on.

only once he fell ill and things started going wrong did he ask for help, not from me but from someone i know who charged an absolute fortune, to do what i would have done for free (i.e. remove the entities and correct the energy flow) and teach him how to do all of these things properly (which you do not learn in reiki)

only then did he realise that i knew what i was talking about, until then he had been blinded by ego.

(what was very interesting was when he saw me after the clearing he said what is your background - i looked at you as you walked towards me and you looked like a giant - he was in fact seeing the true spiritual me and not the physical apparition)

spirituality is so much larger than this word "reiki"
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