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Old 13-01-2017, 07:57 AM
NeoclassicalGuitar NeoclassicalGuitar is offline
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Originally Posted by goodwill
You could practice feeling it even when you're not meditating. Just go with your awareness in every part of your body. Starting with the hands, then going with your awareness in your feets for example or other parts. If you keep practicing day by day you'll be able to feel it everywhere you are, at any time, in your whole body. It's an excellent anchor-point for meditation at the beginning. If I may suggest you a very good and yet simple anchor-point for meditation, your two nostrils. Keep your focus at the upper lip and the nostrils. Be there with each inhalation and exhalation. It will stimulate the circulation of prana within your body and you will feel the life-force more intensely over time. Also be aware which one of your two nostrils is more open than the other (usually there is one slightly closed than the other) and focus on the more closed one with your attention (it will open up after time - it can take some time/days/weeks though, depending on your ability to focus) until both are even. The breath will flow much smoother in and increasing the flow of energy. Google for Ida, Pingala & Sushumna.

Joy to you,
Thank you, goodwill :)
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