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Old 09-11-2012, 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted by mac
A problem faced by humankind is that when considering the possibility of life elsewhere we try to link it to forms of life we currently know about.
Mostly, though, we're speculating - guessing - about life in other frequency bands and again guessing that other life-forms might communicate or interact with us. My feeling is that they can't and hence don't and won't....

Totally agree, our concept of intelligent life is FAR too limiting.
Astronomy sees the vast, unimaginable scope of the universe, yet our concept of intelligent life remains restricted to what we see on earth.

SETI is a joke.... looking for radio signals, when the vast majority of ET civilizations haven't used radio for millenia.

I just flashed on the TV transmission in the movie, 2010 ....the soul of David Bowman communicating to his wife on earth.
Sci-Fi , but right along with this topic.

However lots of communication has & is being done ..... and Dolphins-Whales are our resident telepathic link to the ET community.

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