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Old 28-10-2023, 09:46 PM
Elderon Elderon is offline
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The Rising Up Of A Prophet

In a world of darkness, no one knowing the light, one who is seeking to know the holy truth of life may be assisted in finding it by angels who come to a person and guide their higher consciousness to understand the life that they have and the universe.

The intervention of an angel in one's life who is about to be risen up is meant to accomplish something specific, so they guide them to see something. Just as a baby has no idea that the sounds coming from its parents mouths are vibrations containing knowledge and instruction, our global society is not aware that the universe is the voice of God and that it contains knowledge and instruction.

Those who grow up never knowing that the universe, which includes the planet, life, our human bodies, is the voice of God, and that within the design of the human body are instructions to resolve physical death and solve every problem on earth, are considered blind to this truth. For one to help guide another to see God's voice in physical creation is called giving sight to the blind. The reason why people don't know it is because they are undeveloped like a child who is not yet self-aware understanding themselves as a life form, and so if you do develop, which is a reference to being 'raised up', you come to see these truths and are able to teach them.

For example, if a prophet were to show you how specific body parts in their interactive operational use shows you how to walk a path to resolve death, for example, that is showing someone the voice of God from God's own mouth, and so when a people begin to see how the universe is the word of god that is when the return of Christ happens. God never left. We have just been blind to God this whole time, and that the way God returns to the world is us being able to see God's creation for what it is.

What a prophet ends up learning is that a planet is created as a place where God plants its seed offspring (i.e., 'god sperm'), where the planet is the source of truth. In order to be able to grow up as a child of God, one must be conceived as a child of God, which is a process, and then receive the blood of God to be born again as a god.

Close your eyes and imagine something like a tree with its leaves blowing in the wind. What you're seeing in your imagination is, biblically speaking, your spirit moving over the surface of the waters saying let there be light. Only a god can do that, which means, you're a god, only the seed of the creator in a sperm-like state of development.

A sperm has two destinies: life and death. If a sperm does not fertilize an egg, its destiny is to decompose (i.e., age) and cease to exist (i.e., die), and that is the 'path to destruction'. If a sperm fertilizes the egg and then that zygote receives the blood of its mother via her umbilical cord (i.e., holy spirit), that sperm becomes a child, and that is the path to everlasting life.

The instructions in the human body, which is what the will of god that saves originates, demonstrates how to become a child of God, thus saving them from the path to destruction. A prophet is a prophet because they have become a child of God and have gone through the process of being raised up as a child of God vs. just existing as a seed. That experience is how the 'risen' prophet knows how to do things that people who have not had that experience can do. Authority is experience.

What is happening on the planet is when everyone is in only a seed state, everything is kind of static in the sense that nothing really changes, but when one becomes a child of God because they're conceived, everything changes. If we spill sperm, we wipe it up and throw it away because there's nothing we can do about it. So God cannot save us anymore than we can save sperm and force to fertilize. But when a sperm becomes a child of God then God's body works to protect that child, and that change in how God sees and interacts with the conceived child vs. only the seed, is the orgin of the power of the ark of the covenant. God created the planet so his seed could become children and so God gives the planet to his children, those who fulfill the purpose of God's works. Those who get in the way of God's children from being able to grow up or seed being able to become children are going to be cursed. This is why there's so much death and destruction around a messiah/prophet. That's what has been happening for the last several years, God has been cursing the planet.

The human being being part of the word of God, the family unit teaches something. Parents represent God, and children represent us human beings on the planet. In a large family, parents instruct children to listen to their elder sibling as they are able to do what the parents can do based on their level of development. If you don't listen, then the parent has to parent the child, and that means consequences. Deut 18:15 says to listen to the prophet God raises up for this reason. If God raises up a prophet and the world doesn't listen to the prophet, then the world will be cursed (e.g., pandemics, world war, violence, famines, etc).

To enter the kingdom of god one must first accept a lord and savior as guide to learn from. Lord means one who knows from experience. Savior means one who works to prevent tragedy or loss. One who knows works to prevent tragedy and loss (e.g., death) is a lord and savior, also known as a prophet or messiah. Being willing to learn from one, which is what it means to become a disciple, and a prophet guiding as a mentor (i.e., lord) is how we love one another.

Once you learn how to see the voice of God in life and God's instructions, you can begin to walk the path. The instruction in the human body causes physical enlightenment, which is what enlightenment and a halo is about. If you put your hand above my head, you'll feel energy filling your hand, which is what the waters of everlasting life is. This enlightened state is the state of being conceived as a child of God vs. seed. Further walking of the path causes the body to merge with the light/energy, which is of a higher dimension. Merging refers to ascension. Ascension happens when one becomes born again as a god.

The source of this information comes from my own experience of being risen up a prophet.
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