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Old 23-09-2014, 09:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Some nasty replies..

Anyways, I am a young indigo adult. Some advice I can share:

-Your sensitivity to others' feelings is a blessing and should be used to benefit others. Share them love where you know they need it.

-There is a book, Personal Power Through Awareness. Read it.

-Learn how to meditate and how to implement it into your life, daily.

-Really get to know yourself and figure out what you should be working on. There is a lot of unbalances that can be healed if we pay attention to them.

-Along with the last point, because of your sensitivity, the frequency of crystals can compliment your aura significantly. I can feel the crystals, what they are doing, and how they are manifesting. Just try it out.

-It is a gift, and it does have its responsibilities. If you truly consider yourself an "Indigo" then you need to vow to use your powers for the benefit of mankind. What that means, is up to you. Make others feel good. Shine light in this dark world.

People who complain about labels are people who do not fit into the category, unfortunately. Crystal children have never resonated with my sense of being. I have always had a problem with authority, and I feel that most of my energy is in my heart and third eye chakra.

With that in mind, grounding is very important for an indigo. Make sure you are getting plenty of time in nature.

If you have any other questions feel free to message me.
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