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Old 06-07-2014, 07:28 AM
Lisbet Lisbet is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 477
What advice I have to offer as a non star person or indigo or blue or green or whatever, is this: you are just like everyone else. We are all unique of course, and we all fit into various categories if we squeeze ourselves enough (more accurately, we can all identify with various labels), sure! But we are each unique just as the next person is also unique. And our life's missions are our own! We don't actually need to pay attention to what the person beside us is in for in order to understand ourselves. That's a fact. Work with your own inner guidance, and you can't go wrong--plain and simple! It may take years or lifetimes to come into this awareness but we all basically get there eventually.

Honestly, souls are always incarnating fresh to earth from other worlds. From the very dawn of time! Why people feel so unique now is because well it's happening to them right now! That is all. It's the only reason. I suppose it is not a very lucky or guided time to be coming to earth for the first time, however, and I can see why the search for answers is so needed right now.

I have recently learned that someone in my life currently had his first earthly incarnation back in ancient Egypt. I knew him then and still get the images in my mind of him looking "alien". But back then, this kind of thing was very likely much easier, because we had aliens incarnated on other planets to help guide us spiritually on earth at that time. This is not the case right now. We are kinda stuck out here on our own.

On the other hand, we are very lucky in another sense because this is a time of spiritual acceleration, where we are breaking barriers and coming to our own individuation, and have easier access to self actualization. There is less in place to hold us back as long as we are in the developed countries. We have access to free spirituality without the ties of religion or politics if we choose it. This was not true in the past.

The other thing to think about is that no matter our "origins" we are all capable of incarnating on other worlds and in fact we choose our opportunities. Thus it is really up to you what you plan on using this life for. Follow your gut. Don't worry about he said she said this is what you should do because of this or that.

We are all only as special as anyone else. No matter what color your aura happens to be.
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