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Old 25-07-2017, 02:33 AM
CrystalHeather CrystalHeather is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 127
I too feel that I'm a crystal child.

Jaroon60, I feel sorry to see your comment "I've not seen people with that name (crystal child etc.) posting really smart stuff over here. "
I guess most crystals like to remain quiet. It is true that there are really quite a lot of people screaming out they are "special" or "superior" in this forum. (So I come by randomly and go.) In fact, in many places too. However, that is their choice and I'm learning to not let then stir up my inner world lol. (if that makes any sense)

MladoLik, indigoes, crystals, rainbows, blue rays, those are really board labels. It's like the gender or nationality labels that are really board, and that is not your full identity. There is no single way or solution to do things. Everyone has their own path and decisions to make. I hope that your choice will be those you want to make, not based on any labels' "must do" list. You are much more than what you think you are...
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