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Old 30-01-2018, 05:15 PM
hellabomer hellabomer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 149
Originally Posted by A human Being
That's the thing, isn't it - typically we look to direct the anger at someone, and if we're not directing it at a third party we'll often simply direct it at ourselves instead. It's like we're always looking for someone to blame, when for me the solution is to simply feel the anger without relating it to someone or something.

Ultimately, anger - and all other forms of negativity, too, be it bitterness, resentment, self-pity, etc. - is resistance. The question is: What is being resisted?

Thank you for your response. Your question made me think about what I am resisting. I think, many of us are afraid of change, the familiarity feel okay. And of course, when we lack confidence, we settle for things. We think, it's the best we can have, even if the other person has not treated us fairly. So, we resist losing it.
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