Thread: Outdated?
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Old 13-04-2019, 06:59 AM
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Originally Posted by freebird
Seems that as we go into the future, and as time passes the number of religious people is exponentially decreasing since we have technology, science seems to be contradicting religion, faith and God is not showing up, more and more people go into the other camp of non believers with no faith (including non believing in spirituality) and tend to become arrogant. Doesen't that affect their spiritual path?
It's been said that every religion was right for that culture at that time, if that's true then what does that tell us about today's culture? That it doesn't need religion? Very often religion has had a specific role to play within a culture and today that role is eroding fast.

By the way, often people are just people and nobody is above anything, people who believe in Spirituality can be just as arrogant as those that don't. "God made man, man made religion." God didn't make religion nor Spirituality and the mindsets that created religion and Spirituality really haven't changed much.

France spent many years in the grip of the Roman Catholic church and heretics were burned at the stake, often with little or no trial. It's hardly any wonder that Macron encouraged his people to be atheists after so many bloody years. It would be nice to have a debate about the benefits - and there are quite a few - to being atheist but it's a taboo subject on these boards, even in today's tolerant times.

The majority of the wars in history and currently have been caused by religion, so to the general populace religion can be seen as another reason to create conflict.

Science doesn't contradict religion - it's the other way around. Throughout history many of the world's leading scientists have been religious or Spiritual, but how many religious/Spiritual leaders have been scientific? Often Spirituality adopts words or phrases from other fields with no real understanding of what it means, then changes the definitions to suit personal agendas.

If Jung's definitions of the word 'ego' or 'Shadow Self' or Freud's definitions of the 'id', the 'ego' and the 'superego' were better understood better then not only would this particular topic be better understood, so would the frameworks on which Spirituality is built. Come to think of it, if people used 'kamma-vipaka' instead of 'karma' there would be more understanding and self-awareness.

According to the Hindu Samadhi, religion, Spirituality and beliefs are a 'product' of Maya or the false or conditioned self. Tolle also says that beliefs and Spiritual knowledge are space consciousness, a lower-level form-based consciousness. What's to be done with that information?

Your perceptions are defined by your definitions in short, and when you define what is Spiritual you also define what is not Spiritual. Your personal perceptions that Spirituality is outdated are your comparisons against your definitions. But Spirituality will tell you that everything is an expression of Source.
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