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Old 25-10-2011, 04:21 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Viola
No, it wasn't immediate. But since I was married, I probably wasn't ready or willing to see it. It took a few weeks, and when it hit, it hit HARD. But before that I felt very drawn to hin, and close to him. I kept thinking, "I if were a man, that would be me." Which I thought was strange. I didn't know anything about twiin flames then.

This is similiar to what happened to me, I was in a long-term relationship when I first met tf so I wasn't even looking for a connection with anyone else, nor did I know anything about twin flames, so I probably wasn't ready to see it at the time. Like you though I was sublimally drawn to him and I can remember I used to love to see his name in my inbox more than anyone else's, even before 'the connection' happened. And I also had this feeling that he was sort of a male version of me. But when it hit, hit HARD. Oh yes.
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