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Old 06-07-2018, 01:45 PM
Rachella Rachella is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 187
Bunny Celtic cross is (dry) love life going to change? Please a litte help!

Hi guys! This is my first post but I have been reading the tarot section on this forum for ages. There are great readers here! If someone has some time to spare and give me their opinion on this spread I will be grateful.

So, basically it's about my love life in July. I have been single for a while now, and in love with somebody I haven't seen in one year (sigh!) Anyway, recently I feel better, so I am enquiring about developments in my love life (in general, not necessarily in relation to that person from the past.)

I used RW in a Celtic spread.
Here it goes:

Card 1- primary factor: the hierophant reversed
Card 2- secondary factor: the lovers

I tend to read card 1 and two together, as they represent the root of the matter. In this case, it shows how the process of falling in love/reuniting with a special someone has been on hold for a long time.

Card 3, unconscious influence: 9 of pentacles rx. In this card I see myself and all the self work I have done/ I am still doing. I became more independent and self sufficient. Still, I long for something.

Card 4, the past: 2 of wands rx. A decision I have had to make in the past which was very hard.

Card 5, conscious influence: king of cups.
Mmmm.... is this still me? Maybe my masculine side or animus is coming alive? Or is it maybe a nice handsome man I will meet?

Card 6, future: the emperor.
This is about taking control. Again, either me being in control of myself, which is good, or a man who seems controlled and measured (not sure I like this one).

Card 7, me as I am: knight of cups.
I am feeling good but still in love with somebody I haven't seen in ages. I am trying to let my emotions flow freely without getting sticky.

Card 8, the outside: knight of wands.
It seems like somebody is coming along, hope it's not some hit and run?

Card 9, key factor: the judgement
I am going to re-evaluate/change some beliefs from my past.

Card 10, outcome: the sun
That's nice, isn't it? Still, to me it represents the joy to be on my own. So, probably not much going on love wise in July either.

What do you guys think? Many thanks and blessings!!!
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