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Old 05-10-2017, 12:01 AM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4,090
Feedback for Pandora
Thank you! Feels spot on.

Reading for Pandora
The Magician, Ace of Wands, 7 of Wands

I'm feeling like mirror affirmations/mantras spoken regularly throughout the day will be of benefit to you. There's a bit of 'magic' in this card - simple things that can tremendously help you feel better (if at least short-term), and I think these begin by improving your belief that things can get better. YOU CAN DO THIS! :)

After that, EXERCISE! Physical activity, fresh air. Start going for walks, looking at trees etc. Lots of evidence that exercise is a mood-booster; just as good as medication and with longer-term effects.

Advice: 7 of Wands indicates there's a lot on your plate. You might have the bandwidth to deal with it all - but there are probably a few support services if not (and this is the clinician in me talking, not the tarot cards). Chat to your GP - you may qualify for Medicare-funded sessions (they may even offer counselling sessions over Skype if you live in a remote area). Regardless, 7 of Wands is the card of "don't give up". You can do this :)

Next reading for tealily

Q: What's a pleasant suprise I can look forward to within the next week?
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